Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Park Life

It takes a long time to get ready to go anywhere with a baby. Seriously, like 2 hours. You have to time the feedings, naps, showers and getting all the baby junk together just right, so it wasn't until after 3:30 before we left the house today to go to the park. Hanging out at home with Brock all day is pretty darn groovy, but I go stir crazy sitting around here so much and Willem agreed yesterday would be the day.
We even got the stroller out for the first time. That's right, we are integrating back into regular life again, this kid is getting mobile! Of course, when we got to Auditorium Shores and pulled out the stroller, we're like two monkeys trying to figure out how to unfold the stupid stroller. Ah, a latch...ingenious. Brock dug the park so much, he slept through the whole thing.

We went to Shady Grove to cool off and a sweet old cowboy remarked at how alert Brock was. Well, yeah...he IS a genius baby, he has to size everything up and he can't do that if he's zonked out. He totally wanted a bite of my burger. Sorry dude!

And here's our boy hanging with mom and dad back at home.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Welcome to the world, little man!

Willem and I have been wanting to create a place to chronicle Brock's life and keep our friends and family updated. Brock is now four weeks old and I'm just now getting around to it. Normally, when it comes to procrastination, I'm a firm believer in the "why do it now when you can do it later" mentality, but when it comes to babies...well, you blink and the next thing you know, they're getting bigger, smiling, laughing, talking, walking, becoming actual people and we don't want to forget any of it. That's why we're taking a billion pictures, saving all the artwork, and making notes on all the sweet moments. Besides, later on when Brock wrecks my car while only having a learner's permit*, we may want to review these entries so we don't strangle him. Until then, having a child is our greatest joy and we are loving every second of it. Here's to figuring it all out.

Brock Willem Malta Milo
Born on March 17th, 2011 at 7:13pm. He weighed 8 lbs 1 oz and was 20.5 inches of pure perfection. We love him more and more every day.

*Yes people, I did wreck my mom's car while only having a learner's permit.